Friday 14 December 2012

Class workshop 13/12/12

Today we did an exercise where we walked around the room as our character and spoke to the other roles in the play.
I learned that my character is homely woman and is friendly and kind, also that Kojo comes up alot in her conversations and plays on her mind. As my character i spoke to Kojo, Mother 2 and Father, speaking to these characters helped me understand my role more and get more into the mindset of my character. When speaking to Kojo i asked him how he was and how he was feeling showing motherly concern and a gentle side.

Monday 10 December 2012

Character building counselling session

We walked around the classroom as our character, then when we were fully in role got asked to go outside to prepare ourselves for a workshop in which we would say our thoughts and feelings at a particular part in the script, it was a character building session for our characters.

Diary entry of the mother
I have just gone to my session where I met many people with problems, I heard some troubling and disturbing things that people are going through, also I heard things that I could relate to and made me feel reassured and more comfortable to share my problems. When it was my turn to speak I stated my name and said that I was worried about Kojo and that there was something troubling him, he was scared and would be home rarely, I said that his brother was a normal football loving boy and that Kojo would play with his brother, but sometimes be occupied by something else. I said that I had spoken to Kojo's dad about my concern with Kojo but he said that boys will be boys and that he was young and would grow out of it, but mothers are different as they worry, I worry.

Later on when we had a discussion about the workshop I discovered that Kojo was not angry and scared, but it was seeing his parents and brother slaughtered, and becoming a child soldier that made him become violent and disturbed and as a result killing someone.

Monday 3 December 2012


What does my character say about themselves?
My character says nothing about themselves

What does my character say about other people?
My character doesn't really say anything about other people

What do other people say about my character?
Ara says 'She's pretty' when Kojo shows her the photograph of his family. Kojo describes his mother to be taller and fatter than the actor playing her.