Thursday 21 February 2013


On the 14th of Feb we performed Fugee!!!!!Overall i think the performance went well. I was pleased with my performance and thought i played a convincing mother but i think i could have done better with a bit more work on her physicality's. On the night i found at one point i spoke quite quickly so if i were to do it again i would slow down my lines.

Things we could improve on a whole is improvisation skills, blocking, character physicality's and delivery of lines. At times during the performance people forgot there lines, causing the play to slow down and cause dilemmas, most times they would be well covered up with improvisation but other times someone may come out of character or shown that they had forgotten their lines. I think that line learning was a key factor of problems caused in the play as they were not learned well enough for people to be comfortable, and instead of focusing on their characters thought and emotions was focusing on their lines and ques. I also think that the characters off stage caused distractions as they were either reading scripts or distracted by something else, to improve this everyone should have stayed their character and payed full attention to their characters physicality's. Allot of people have said that in order to have improved the play we would have needed more time, but i believe that it wasn't time we needed just more focus, more determination and a better attitude towards learning lines, ques and blocking.

Overall i enjoyed working on the play and thought it was a very heartfelt topic to study, i enjoyed doing the different character building workshops and thought that this contributed greatly to the plays success. I will miss working on this play but im glad we pulled off a good show and worked well togeher.

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