Tuesday 20 November 2012

Character studies

We were put into different groups Ara, Kojo and Cheung we were then given a large piece of paper that we had to pic a person from our group to draw around. We then used there template as the character of our group. Each group then came up with different words they would associate with that character and had group discussions about those words. The groups then rotated to the different character sketches and wrote their ideas, by the end we had everyone's ideas about the three different characters on the sketches. This was a useful exercise as we go to explore the different characters and really get into the characters head, feelings and emotions. I found this a really fun exercise as I got to interact with lots of people and discuss their views as well as mine. I think that the most interesting thing that I learnt was people's perceptions of the characters appearances I had never had a clear picture in my head of their exact appearance but after doing the exercise I had a much better idea.

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