Wednesday 14 November 2012

First lesson

Thursday 8th November 2012

Our first lesson back!!!!! Was so happy to be back in the 'space' doing what I love the most! We first started with a group exercise with the two classes just getting back into 'the zone' and then where told that this term we would be working on a play ( each class having a different play). We were then split up again and given our scripts.

This term we are doing a play called Fugee, which we read through in class talking about all aspects as we went along. I found out that Fugee is a modern play about a 'Fugee' (fugitive) and  a chain of events. The thing i found most interesting about the play was that it starts of with the ending and goes back to the start giving it an exciting and captivating storyline to the reader/audience. During the play the characters step out of character and say lines such as 'The person playing me is an actor' and 'I've got 18 lines...So far' this (we figured out in class) is to un attach the audience from the play and to give them a reminder that it isn't real.

I found this play completely original and exciting and cannot wait to start work on it, it's completely different to anything I've ever worked on before so should be a new and enlightening experience. 

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