Friday 23 November 2012

Kojo Character Study

In the Character Study lesson, my group studied Kojo. We explored the thoughts and feelings of him we came up with outer appearance ideas, the words that we came up with were skinny, tall, dark skinned, developed etc. We then came up with words that described his inner feelings and thoughts these were; scared, lost, emotional, scarred, homesick we also thought of questions such as who?, why? and where?
We found quotes that showed given circumstances, some of the quotes where; 'Where are you from?Home?...Africa' , 'You last saw your family on-.....My eleventh', 'How old are you? Fourteen?..Me too.'
At the end we gathered that Kojo was a concealed scared boy who was unaware of his surrounding and had lost his childhood and family. we established that he had strong feelings towards Ara and was the only person he was emotionally linked (with other than his family) towards.
My idea of Kojo's appearance

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