Saturday 5 January 2013

Character Studies 19/12/12

On the last lesson of the term we each got given a sheet which had a template of a person on it we were told to write about our characters inside of them.

This was like an exercise we had done during the first week of the learning about the play, where we did this with the characters Kojo, Ara and Cheung working in groups, doing that made me learn a great deal about the main characters but now I got a chance to learn about my own. I learnt from quotes that she was fatter then the actor playing her ( Kojo scene 7), that she was pretty ( Ara scene 2) and that she was from Ivory Coast ( Kojo scene 1).

I learnt from myself and when I am playing her that she is a happy, motherly woman who comes across warm and sincere I also imagined her to be quite fat ( from Kojo's line scene 7) and to have an approachable and homely kind of face I thought that she would wear an apron as this reminded me of a traditional mother and she comes across as a very maternal woman.

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