Saturday 5 January 2013

Class Exercise

Punctuation dance exercise

In the lesson we did a class exercise called punctuation dancing where we came up with movements for different types of punctuation eg. a full stop (.) this was a jump on the spot, a question mark (?) this was a swoop/ curve movement of the arm going down, an ellipsis (...) this was 3 punches and 3 kicks etc.

We were each given a character and then were told to walk around the room reading the script and each time we came to a piece of punctuation, stop and act out the movement for that particular piece of punctuation. When doing this i came across a lot of punctuation, this made me more aware of the punctuation in the play and how the character means to be saying the text.

I learnt from my character (Ara) that she uses a lot of question marks and full stops for example 'They show videos on Friday. Except when they break down. They always break. Then there's ping pong. Ping-pong?' Ara uses full stops a lot that shows she is quite blunt and to the point, also that she takes a lot of pauses in her speech, this may be because she doesn't know how to keep conversations flowing and that she is always making a point.

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